Summer Conservatory FAQ’s

When are the performances for the Summer Conservatory shows?
Music Theatre Conservatory performances are June 20-22; Thursday & Friday at 7pm; and Saturday at 1pm & 3:30pm. Visit our TICKETS page for more information.
Acting Conservatory performances are July 25-27. Thursday at 7pm; Friday at 5pm and 7pm; and Saturday at 11am, 1pm and 3:30pm.

Triple Threat performances are on the last Friday of the program.
Triple Threat performances will be June 28, 1pm & 4pm.
Triple Threat Intensive performances will be August 9, 1pm & 4pm.

Are tickets to my child’s show included in the tuition?
No. Tuition often does not cover the cost of the theatre spaces and we rely on ticket sales to supplement this expense. We keep ticket prices as low as possible for all Summer Conservatory shows. Tickets are $10/adult and $8/kid for Music Theatre and Acting Conservatory shows. Triple Threat tickets are $8/adult and $6/kids.

Do the kids get any outdoor time?
Yes! A resounding YES! We believe fresh air, sunshine and even playing in the rain is good for the mind and body. Kids will be going outside every day and should bring appropriate outdoor gear to conservatory each day. Participants attending programs at UAA Fine Arts Building will be utilizing the green spaces around the building and occasionally walking by multi-use trail to Goose Lake Park. Fairytale participants will walk to Fish Creek Park by sidewalk daily for lunch.

What does a typical day of conservatory look like?
9-9:30am: Arrive and greet friends, group warm-ups and acting games
10-10:45am: Show rehearsals OR specialty classes (acting class, audition prep, make-up, costume workshop, improv, etc) One cast will always rehearse their show in the theatre in the morning while the other cast participates in special workshops/games/activities.
10:45am: Break
11-11:45am: Show rehearsals OR specialty classes
12pm-1pm: Lunch
1:15-1:30pm: Focus/Acting games
1:30-2:30pm: Casts switch; Show rehearsals OR specialty classes
2:30pm: Break
2:45pm-3:30pm: Show rehearsals OR specialty classes
3:30pm: Show off! Classes and casts show off a scene or something they learned from the day!
4pm: Release

Each day is filled with something new. Wednesdays feature our ever popular Wednesday Parties in the afternoon - 80’s prom, scavenger hunt, karaoke party, field day and more! Each cast will also get extended time outside 1-2 days per week. Our instructors have a wealth of activities and games at their fingertips and keep the kids busy all day.

My child sometimes gets overwhelmed, is there a quiet space they can go when they feel overwhelmed?
Yes. ATY will maintain quiet rooms where kids needing space and quiet can retreat until they feel like returning to the activity. We will also have various support tools like noise canceling headphones, fidgets, and weighted blankets to continue creating a safe and welcoming environment for all kids who need it. We encourage you to send any aids along with your child that will assist them to have a great time at conservatory.

How do we contact you during the programming day?
The best method is to either call or text us at (907) 338-4901. You may also email us at if it is not an emergency. Additionally, we use the Remind app to communicate with parents in each program.

My kid has an appointment and must leave conservatory for a bit, can I pick them up and bring them back?

My kid has to miss a day of conservatory/performance, is that ok?
Generally…yes. However, since they will be part of a team working together to produce a show, please be mindful that every day they are not in attendance leaves the cast at a significant disadvantage. If you will be gone for more than 2 days or absent for a performance, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make adjustments to the rehearsal schedules and plan for understudies.

My child doesn’t have any theater experience - will they be ok at conservatory?
We think so! There are so many opportunities for actors with varying levels of expertise. If they want to jump in feet first and go for a leading role, we welcome that! If they want to have fun dressing up in a costume and being on stage with friends, but not the star, there is a place for them! We work hard to meet each kid at the level of participation for which they feel comfortable. However, we do ask for a good attitude, a willingness to try new things, and an actor who is able to take direction.

What is your EIN number and can I get a receipt for my conservatory purchase?
Our EIN is 92-0102436. If you need a receipt for your purchase, please email

Have more questions? Contact us HERE. We will continue to update this page!